Friday, January 8, 2010

Welcome to the FNW (fishermansnetworship) blog

Hi worship team members! Welcome to the new blog*. I am going to send out an email with login information for the email and blog. The email is fishermansnetworship [ a t ] This is a bit long, I know, but I figured no one could forget it!

We've already said our hellos using email, so I'll just use this first post for the technical stuff. I'm imagining we can use this blog for schedules and news about songs, just to give a couple examples. You'll still get emails regarding schedules, but this will just be an easy place to come to get all your information in one place. It would also be cool to take turns writing or just sharing worship related discussions to help keep us together as a team and to keep our minds focused on our goal, the worship of God. If you're interested in posting something like this, please email me (Shawn) at my personal address, and I will keep in communication with the other leaders.

The email is through gmail (google), which means we can use google docs. This lets you save and view documents on the internet, which you can access by logging into or by using your own gmail address if you have one. We can get into this later. You can basically save Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files, although they're just saved as generic documents, no longer related to Microsoft. Sometime in 21st century, we may even get a new fangled computer at the soundboard where we can download song lists and presentations right onto the computer. :)

*Just for those of you new to a blog, it's basically just an easy to manage website that's usually formatted the way you see here. The most recent "blog post" (like a message or article) is on top, and then you just scroll down for older posts. A post can be made by anyone who logs into the blogger account (see your email for instructions). You can also reply to a post, and replies are shown beneath the post. This isn't twitter*, so a post, at least on this blog, will only be made for major news/communication. If you just have a small comment to make, then it's usually best to just reply to a post. It doesn't even matter if it's totally related, especially if it's just a general post like this. Just be aware that if you reply to a really old post, there's less of a chance that people will see it. You'll get the hang of how to do it and all the little options available.

*Just kidding. I'm not explaining twitter.

ONE MORE IMPORTANT TIP: This is a public blog, and even if it wasn't, you should always avoid voluntarily sharing your email address (or anyone else's) on the internet. A better option is to just say "email me" and let people use their email address books, or use a trick like I did when I told you the email address above.

Any questions? If it will help the whole group, then ask it by replying to this post. If you want, email me. Please keep in mind that fishermansnetworship [ a t ] is no one's private/individual email.

WHEW! Enough technical stuff!

It's great to be serving with you all.